20 Ways Top Fashion Bloggers Grow Their Instagram Following


  1. Put thought into your captions.


Though Instagram is primarily visual-focused, sometimes the caption is what motivates people to share. Whether your caption is a silly joke, a witty quip, or something heartfelt and moving, try to attach a few words to the picture that will keep people’s attention.


  1. Post at least once every day.


Stagger your content. You shouldn’t post twenty photos at once and then disappear for two weeks. The most popular Instagrams are Instagrams that post consistent, high quality photos. Social media is an every day commitment. Don’t forget that.


  1. Only post the best content.


Sometimes no content is better than mediocre content. If your photo isn’t the quality that can pull in new followers, why bother posting it? People follow top Instagram accounts expecting a certain level of quality. If you don’t meet their expectations, you’re liable to lose followers.


  1. Start a photo series.


Instead of having your posts be individual and unrelated snapshots, consider making a photo series for your work. This gives people incentive to view many of your photos at once. If they like what they see, they’re more likely to follow than if they’d only seen one post.


  1. Use Instagram Stories.


Instagram Stories is a way to post behind-the-scenes moments instead of polished work. It keeps followers engaged and helps them appreciate the work that goes into your feed.