20 Ways Top Fashion Bloggers Grow Their Instagram Following


  1. Connect, connect, connect.


Social media is all about connection. Fashion bloggers get to know other people with similar interests. They network with blogs and Instagrams that post their niches. Reaching out to similar but older Instagrams is a great way to maximize your exposure. And connecting with your local community is another way to pull in an audience that other bloggers may not have access to.


  1. Favorite and comment.


Instagram’s algorithm chooses who your photographs will be shown to based on who you show the most personal interest in. Rather than only reaching out to new feeds, make sure you comment and favorite photos on feeds you’re already following. The more you socialize and connect, the wider the audience who sees your photos.


  1. Respond to comments.


By responding to comments, you engage with the people who follow your feed. Comment responses encourage people to keep commenting. Starting a dialogue on your photos helps to increase the audience who sees it. And it’s a way of personalizing your feed – showing that there’s someone behind the photos who cares about each individual interaction.

20 Ways Top Fashion Bloggers Grow Their Instagram Following

  1. Use statistical analysis.


Figure out which photos get the best response. Break down your statistics by view count, number of favorites, and number of comments. Once you know which content gets the most feedback, you’ll have a sense of where to focus in the future.


  1. Be part of the photos.


Most major fashion bloggers use themselves as both model and photographer. Modeling your fashion yourself makes a huge statement – it shows that you follow through with your ideas, and that your fashion choices are truly personal. Another advantage to personal modeling is that no one else can replicate your content. Your feed becomes wholly unique to yourself.