Top 10 Ways to Make Money Vlogging

#9 – Keep Video Length Reasonable and Consistent

You can experiment with different run times, but somewhere around the 10 minute mark is typically just about right. I recommend seeking out successful channels with similar content and looking at how they do things.

If you notice a recurring pattern, emulate it. Above all, keep your video lengths predictable so the viewer knows right away how much time to devote to enjoying your content.

#10 – Open an Online Store

Once you develop a good following, it’t time to start merchandising. You can choose to offer original designs, outfits, and accessories, but it will be much easier to make money if you choose a product line you like and promote it within the context of your vlog content. You can even model certain pieces or accessories to encourage people to buy.

Just one last hint on this one: t-shirts are a huge business. Got a catchphrase you use all the time? Put it on a t-shirt. You’d be amazed how many people will buy a shirt with what amounts to an inside joke printed on it and wear it proudly. That leads to word of mouth advertising and that grows your audience.

Final Takeaway

Hopefully by now you’ve figured out that is is actual work. Money doesn’t just show up because you have a good idea. You need to have the right information, education, and dedication to make a go of any venture. You are poised for serious success with fashion vlogging if you’re willing to be patient and test out our top 10 ideas with your own vlog.

Always maintain a positive attitude and be prepared to bend your focus to meet market demands. This might be about something you like, but if you intend to earn money with it, it’s not about you. Remember that you are doing this for your fans and they are where the money is going to come from. With that understanding, have fun with this but don’t forget to think of your fans first.

To learn more ways to make money on your content, read this article on 10 ways to make money blogging.

To learn how other Vloggers are making money online, see my article on the Top 25 Vloggers.