Chanel Cocoon Large Tote Bag

Must Have Chanel Cocoon Large Tote Bag

The Chanel Cocoon large tote bag is a must have bag. If you remember when it first came out a few years ago, it was such a cool collection from Chanel. The Chanel cocoon tote is unlike their normal structured bag. The Chanel large tote bag can double as a pillow on a long road trip. The bag also has the usual Chanel trademark markings that show it is a designer classic. This is a great addition to any Chanel collector’s closet for those more casual days when you just don’t want to carry your classic Chanel flap quilted bags.

Chanel Cocoon Large Tote Bag for less

What You Can Wear with this Chanel Cocoon Large Tote Bag

You can wear this bag with a pair of white jeans and a tee shirt on the weekend or you can wear it with a suit jacket to the office and into meetings. The benefit of this bag is that it will not weigh you down. The Chanel classic bags have the leather woven chains that add extra weight to the bags. Although the chains are gorgeous, they do add weight to the bag.

Other Chanel Cocoon Bag Options

Other Chanel Cocoon bag options include the Chanel Frame Tote, Chanel Cocoon Messenger tote, Chanel Cocoon Garment bag, and the Chanel Cocoon backpack. If you like a more structured bag, get the Chanel Frame Tote. The Chanel Cocoon Messenger tote is for the person who has a more casual style of dress. The Chanel Garment bag is for the person who travels with suit jackets and coats and needs a garment bag. The Chanel Cocoon backpack is a great option for that busy professional who may have a more creative career. The Chanel Cocoon backpack is also great for the stay at home mom who has to run after her young kids constantly and needs to be hands free.